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Physics 301 & 302: Tutorials and Videos

Videos and Tutorials

Hello, and welcome to the Tutorials and Videos tab of the Physics LibGuide.  There are different videos that will help assist you in learning different concepts and theories.  The videos are in alphabetical order and are from The Khan Academy and YouTube.  Please let us know if there are other videos you would like included.  Enjoy!

The Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content. The videos are in alphabetical order.

Circuits make computers, digital cameras, and video games possible. Circuits are driving an unprecedented rate of change in how we live. In this 
topic you'll learn about the physics behind the electronic devices we use.

Electric charge, electric force, and voltage
Electric forces hold together the atoms and molecules in your eyes which allow you to read this sentence. Take a moment and learn about the force that holds our bodies together.

Atmospheric pressure is like an invisible friend who is always squeezing you with a big hug. Learn more about pressure, buoyant force, and flowing fluid so you can appreciate the sometimes invisible, but crucial, 
effect they have on us and the world around us.

Forces and Newton's laws of motion 
This is the meat of much of classical physics. We think about what a force is and how Newton changed the world's (and possibly your) view of how reality works.

Geometric optics
Light waves can be bent and reflected to form new and sometimes altered images. Understanding how light rays can be manipulated allows us to create better contact lenses, fiber optic cables, and high powered telescopes.

Centripetal Force and gravitation
Learn about centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. Also, learn about the universal law of gravitation and gravitational orbits.

Impacts and linear momentum 
Momentum ties velocity and mass into one quantity. It might not be obvious why this is useful, but momentum has this cool property where the total amount of it never changes. This is called the conservation of momentum, and we can use it to analyze collisions and other interactions. Bam!

Light waves
Light can seem mysterious. What is light made out of? What causes color? How do 3D movies work? Learn about some of the mysterious properties of light in these tutorials.

Magnetic flux and Faraday's law
Faraday's law is how we get electrical power from most power plants and hydroelectric dams. Learn how magnetic flux allows us to turn the mechanical energy of falling water through a dam into electrical energy.

Magnetic forces and magnetic fields
The magnetic field of the Earth shields us from harmful radiation from the Sun. Magnetic fields also allow us to diagnose medical problems using an MRI. In this 
topic you'll learn about the force and field that makes this possible.

Mechanical waves and sound 
Waves are responsible for basically every form of communication we use. Whether you're talking out loud, texting on your phone, or waving to someone in a crowd there's going to be a wave transmitting information.
Learn about the basics of waves in this topic, then learn more about light waves in the topics below.

Moments, torque, and angular momentum
Everything you've learned about motion, forces, energy, and momentum can be reused to analyze rotating objects. There are some differences, though. Here, you'll learn about rotational motion, moments, torque, and angular momentum.

One-dimensional motion
In this
tutorial we begin to explore ideas of velocity and acceleration. We do exciting things like throw things off cliffs (far safer on paper than in real life) and see how high a ball will fly in the air.

Oscillatory motion
Pendulums. Slinkies. You when you have to use the bathroom but it is occupied. These all go back and forth over and over and over again. This tutorial explores this type of motion.

Heat can be useful, but it can also be annoying. Understanding heat and the flow of heat allows us to build heat sinks that prevent our computers from overheating, build better engines, and prevent freeway overpasses from cracking.

Two-dimensional motion
You understand velocity and acceleration well in one-dimension. Now we can explore scenarios that are even more fun. With a little bit of trigonometry (you might want to review your basic trig, especially what sin and cos are), we can think about whether a baseball can clear the "green monster" at Fenway Park.

Work and energy 
"Energy" is a word that's used a lot. Here, you'll learn about how it's one of the most useful concepts in physics. Along the way, we'll talk about work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, and mechanical advantage.

Information provided by and

Eddy Currents and Magnetic Braking of a Pendulum

Crash Course Physics

EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor in Uniform Magnetic Field-Motional EMF

Latent Heat, Heat Transfer

Young's Modulus and Hooke's Law

Heat and Electricity