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EVSC 507-Introduction to Geographic Information Systems: APA Sample Papers

This course is intended to provide students with a working knowledge of GIS. Student swill learn key fundamentals of GISanalysis and how to use ArcGISsoftware to solve real-world problems.

How to Cite Interviews, Email, and Other Personal Communication

Quick Answers—References



The citation of interviews depends on the nature of the interview.
  • Third-party interviews: If the interview is in a form that is recoverable (e.g., a recording, transcript, published Q&A), use the reference format appropriate for the source in which the interview is available.
  • Informational interviews: If you have interviewed someone for information about your topic and that person has agreed to be identified as a source, cite the source as a personal communication (in text only):

(G. Fink-Nottle, personal communication, April 5, 2011)

Personal communications do not have reference list entries because they cannot be retrieved.
  • Interviews of research participants: No citation is needed for remarks made by participants in the research on which you’re reporting. Do not cite these as personal communications; this would breach the participants’ guarantee of confidentiality.
